Why do I teach my students to code?
Simply put, because it is my job to engage, inspire and prepare my students for their future.
With the rate at which technology is moving, it is very likely that the jobs my students will be looking at have yet to be created. Only one thing is certain- their futures will involve computers.
Because of this I feel that it is of the utmost importance to teach them to code and expose them to a computer science education at an early age. By integrating a computer science education into my students daily lessons and activities I am able to use every facet of Blooms Taxonomy, especially their higher order thinking skills. When students are coding they are analyzing, creating and problem solving in a highly engaging and often naturally collaborative manor. Without fail my classroom comes alive and my students are inspired and empowered to keep learning.
Unplugged Intro to Algorithm and Programming Lesson
To accomplish this I use a variety of both unplugged and digital lessons/ tools and integrate them into my content whenever I am able.
One of our favorites is a culminating end of the year project where students program our Dash robots to give a life cycle presentation. Throughout the year students complete lessons and tasks on Code.org’s Code Studio as well as several other apps, and utilize various robots (such as Blue Bots and Dot and Dash) in the classroom for a more hands on experience.